Lisfranc news and links

A somewhat random collection of links to news stories and resources related to Lisfranc injuries (a severe injury to the midfoot). Compiled by Brad --email: "biddle at cox dot net".

Friday, November 17, 2006

Some recovery anecdotes

Some anecdotal tidbits on the long term prognosis issue: a columnist from a Philly-area paper writes about his Lisfranc injury here; among other things he notes: "It's been nearly two years since the accident that caused the injury, and while my foot is sometimes cranky and sore, I'm able to walk on it normally and run three miles a day."

Also, a Canadian mountain biker writes about his "long year" of recovery here. He notes that he is now able to ride even difficult trails, but notes "pain after a long day of hiking."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Article and I totally agree. I haven't really read many articles or other peoples stories and it is quite comforting to know you have come through things ok. My Lisfranc injury happened two years ago. I got the screews put in and out, got a bad infection and still have really bad pain. I can't run or even walk for long durations. Fortunately I am going back in in a couple of weeks to get the joint fused and am optimistic this will do the trick. On the scale of what can happen to people in their lifetime I cannot complain but I really would repeat your comments - protect your feet, anyway you can. A major foot injury really does affect your life so please all, respect and take care of them. Simon

2:45 PM  

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